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It's Getting HOT in Here!

Whew! With summer fast approaching the question of how hot is too hot to ride comes up. Did you know that horses heat up 3-10 times faster than humans? Imagine if you're really hot, they are much hotter. And heat exhaustion and heat stroke happen quickly if you're not cautious. And also it's not just exercise that can cause them to overheat, trailering in extreme heat is like putting them in a toaster oven!

So, how hot is too hot? First, you need to know the heat index. The heat index is temperature + humidity = heat index. If the heat index is above 180 degrees USE EXTREME CAUTION -at this heat, you won't be able to cool down normally. If the heat index is over 150 - use caution and watch for signs of heat stress but if the heat index is below 130 - Ride on!

But what should you do if your horse does overheat? In severe cases, discontinue working and first and foremost call the vet, but while you are waiting for the vet to arrive, take a temperature (a good rule of thumb is to have a notebook handy to take notes to tell the vet), move them to a shaded or cool place out of direct sunlight, standing them in front of a fan is also helpful. Applying cool, cold, or even ice water repeatedly starting with the legs and working your way over their body including their head, and also offering frequent small amounts of water. You do not want them drinking large amounts at a time as this will cause secondary problems. When the vet arrives they will more than likely administer fluid and electrolytes to help restore what was lost.

But what can you do prior to your horse getting overheated? If it's not in the danger zone to be riding (heat index over 180) rest frequently in the shade, even stopping and hosing down their legs and chest. Offer them small sips of water before, during, and after your ride. Make sure they are drinking enough throughout the day, add a second bucket if necessary. You can add electrolytes to their feed or for those picky horses, add it to their water.

What if you're at a show and forgot the electrolytes? Powdered Gatorade in their water will also work. I also keep a tube of paste electrolytes on hand in both my trailer and the barn for when we may have overdone it.

Just remember, it's our job to make sure our partners stay safe and healthy and until next time...

Appy Riding!


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